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Purchase History for Quick Strike Ring
Date Buyer Raid Value
04/24/05 Fling Molten Core - Golemagg the Incinerator 30.00
05/05/05 Xhy Molten Core - Magmadar 30.00
05/05/05 Carino Molten Core - Golemagg the Incinerator 30.00
05/12/05 Thaco Molten Core - Baron Geddon 30.00
07/10/05 Teek Molten Core - Garr 30.00
08/23/05 Douggus Molten Core - Golemagg the Incinerator 30.00
09/14/05 Astron Molten Core - Magmadar 30.00
11/23/05 Jugan Molten Core - Garr 30.00
01/03/06 Disgruntledd Molten Core - Magmadar 30.00
03/26/06 Shagwell Molten Core - Magmadar 30.00
... found 10 item(s)

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